A. Miller “Education, violence and repentance”

“At the beginning was upbringing,” says German psychoanalyst Alice Miller in the original heading of this book. So she transparently hints at the biblical scale of the problem that she writes about.

Education as suppression of a living principle, which has existed for many centuries, provokes the future violence from those who were humiliated, punished, tormented physically and morally, achieving unconditional, non -in -calling, almost inspired subordination. Bringing many shocking quotes from pedagogical works, and then analyzing several life stories: drug addicts, killers and Hitler, Miller reveals the nature of their amazing cruelty. This tragic book about Black Pedagogy and its consequences absolutely need to read everyone who has children or is dealing with them in order to be aware of their good intentions and in the consequences of their words and actions.

  • How to make a child obey? 6 tips

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