Question to the expert: “Why are powerful people around me?”

To understand why there are so many authoritarian personalities among others, you need to deal with the despots from childhood and realize how this children’s experience affects today’s, adult life.

Why am I attracting authoritarian people? I grew up among power personalities. But now, next to me, despotistical, peremptory people are often at the school, at the conservatory, in the orchestra, where I am now working.

Ekaterina Mikhailova, psychotherapist:

You are sensitive and painfully react to injustice, absurd nit -picking and scream. In your letter, you carefully note that you find a lot of internal aggression in yourself. And you can neither show it

nor ignore it. To show means becoming “despots” and, possibly, to injure someone. Keep in yourself, as you definitely noticed, “hard and not too useful”. Maria, you want to improve in the profession – and if so, you will have to deal with what is happening to you. You react so seriously to manifestations of despotism precisely because you have completely experienced all this at home. And now, when someone at work is noisily reported, instantly “liver” feel like this. And you are very worried. Your attitude to tyrants is dual: you do not approve of them, but at the same time, you seem to love. Like your family, that’s the matter. This leads to errors in judgments, to excessive emotional involvement. You have to realize the influence of your children’s experience on today’s life. You started this work yourself and have already done a lot. Perhaps someday you will even conduct a master class “How to get along with an authoritarian boss in creative professions”.


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